Buying Guides
Choosing a new radiator can seem complicated at times, so we’ve created an extensive selection of buying guides to ease you through the process. From radiator types, to picking the correct heat output and getting the right accessories, our buying guides have everything you need to choose the perfect radiator for your home.
When it comes to heating your home, radiators are not always the answer. There is another form of home heating that’s gaining popularity and that is underfloor heating. If you’re considering redoing your heating or simply want a good read, join us as we dissect this hot topic.
Slimline Electric Radiators: Choosing, Buying, and Looking After Them
Slimline electric radiators are the best. Space-saving, no plumbing, lightweight, more economic, and controlled separately to your central heating. Here's how to own one. -
Brenton Radiators: A Brand Focus
From modern sleek towel rails to smart panel radiators, you'll be sure to find the perfect choice for your home in Brenton’s range of radiators and towel rails. -
Vertical Radiators vs Horizontal Radiators: Which is the Best?
A battle of the ages occurs today as the best vertical designer radiators take on the best horizontal designer radiators. Join us as we reveal some of the main advantages and disadvantages of choosing each type, including some of Only Radiators’ very best horizontal and vertical designs for your perusal. -
The Magic of Anthracite Radiators
No doubt you’ve heard of anthracite radiators on TV, in magazines and in showrooms. But why are anthracite radiators taking the world by storm? And how can you own one without breaking the bank? Join us as we dive into the dreamy (and shockingly affordable) world of anthracite designer radiators. -
Electric Radiators - Have You Ever Considered One?
Electric radiators are not technically new but they’ve not been an economical home heating move for long. We’ve brought you the low-down on these great pieces of equipment so follow us to find out just why this exciting addition to the home can trump your traditional systems. -
Underfloor Heating Systems or Radiators?
Trying to choose the best home heating system? Conventional radiators and underfloor heating are both great ways to heat your home. In this article, we’ll examine the pros and cons of each system, making decision making easier for you! -
Radiator Valve Essential Guide: How to Know Exactly What to Buy
Radiators just come with valves. Seems daft. Right? Actually, there’s a good reason your radiator doesn’t come with a pair of valves... -
What Are Radiators Made Of, and Do Different Materials Really Matter?
See what different radiator materials are available; discover what's best; and compare the different benefits of stainless steel, cast iron, or aluminium... -
Convector Radiators: The Essential Guide
Take 1 flat-panel radiator. Apply a generous layer of metal radiator fins. Heat evenly until piping hot. Enjoy while warm. -
The Best Space Saving Radiators For A Small Room
Though a room might be small, this does not mean that the heating requirements for it can be overlooked. Despite its size, a space saving radiator will make an effective compact heating solution that does not compromise the space or on its usefulness. -
What is a Thermostatic Valve and How Do They Work?
Tap into the full potential of your boiler with thermostatic radiator valves. These quality units open up new levels of precision control when it comes to room-by-room home heating. Whether you wish to maintain your set-up or upgrade totally, join us as we delve into the world of the TRV. -
Radiator Types: How To Choose Your Perfect Radiator
Buying a radiator isn’t simple. But it can be. The sheer amount of options and designs makes choosing a radiator in 2018 a bit of a headache. So here’s a quick guide on how to choose a radiator, with links to more information in each section. (We recommend bookmarking this article so you can pop back to refresh your memory.)
Showing 16-28 of 28 results