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Take a look at these stunning designer radiators perfect for the living room.
Our Top 10 Vertical Radiators
We’ve handpicked 10 of the top vertical radiators to help you choose the best for your home. Save space and add style with one of these stunning tall and slimline radiators. -
What are the Best Electric Towel Rails 2024?
Read our round up of the best electric towel rails of 2024 along with tips and information on what to consider before you buy. -
8 of the Best Slim Radiators to Save Space
Got a small or awkward space to fill? In this buying guide, we recommend the best slim radiators which help to transform your space while providing a fantastic and sufficient heat source. Keep reading to find out which our experts recommend. -
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How To Paint A Radiator
You can't use normal paint to paint a radiator, yet painting a radiator is cheap, easy, and fun - when you do it properly. It's a real problem when you do it wrong. But, provided you know a few pointers first, you'll be painting your radiators every colour of the rainbow in a couple of minutes. -
How to Bleed a Radiator
Radiators, like any system, require bleeding at some point to remove trapped air and prevent cold spots. This process may seem daunting but is incredibly simple and will save you a significant amount of money. Join us as we take you through how to bleed a radiator step-by-step. -
Radiator Types: How To Choose Your Perfect Radiator
Buying a radiator isn’t simple. But it can be. The sheer amount of options and designs makes choosing a radiator in 2018 a bit of a headache. So here’s a quick guide on how to choose a radiator, with links to more information in each section. (We recommend bookmarking this article so you can pop back to refresh your memory.) -
How to Flush A Radiator: Step by Step Guide
Think of your heating as the body's circulation, with the boiler as the heart. Hidden radiator sludge is a blood clot that slowly suffocates your system. So save your home from a heart attack with this important guide on how to flush it out.
Jargon Buster
British Thermal Units (BTU) is a measure of the output of heat needed to raise the temperature of a room. Determining the correct BTU will help you get the right radiator for your home.
7 Heating Myths to Avoid to Save Money on Your Energy
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How to Prevent Frozen Pipes in Winter
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Can You Combine Underfloor Heating with Radiators?
Underfloor heating has grown in popularity thanks to its easy maintenance and efficiency. If you are wondering whether you can combine underfloor heating with radiators - our experts have the answer! -
The Vampire Devices Costing You £96 a Year Unnecessarily
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Why You Need a Radiator BTU Calculator to Find Your Room's Heat Requirement
Whether you’re choosing a brand new radiator or reconsidering an existing one, it’s vital you check this measurement before you start shopping!
Turn Up The Heat With These Stylish Radiators Ideas For A Cosy Home
Stylish radiators are doing so much more than heating your home! Here’s our top fancy heating ideas with expert insight from our Senior Design Consultant. -
How To Choose The Right Size Bathroom Radiator
Choosing the right size radiator for your bathroom needs a little attention! Our experts explain more about how to find the perfect radiator for your space. -
Which Radiators are Best for Bathrooms?
Bathroom radiators look great while giving your room warmth and keeping towels fresh. Check out which radiators we recommend are best for bathrooms. -
8 of the Best Radiator Colours for Your Home
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Is Your Radiator Making Noise? Here's How to Fix A Noisy Radiator
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How To Balance Radiators: A Step by Step Guide
If you find a difference in how fast your home’s radiators heat up, your radiators are not balanced! Balancing radiators is a vital procedure before winter comes and half your home feels like a fridge all the time. Follow this simple guide for sizzling winter heating throughout your whole home.