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Save an extra 10% off all orders over £500 - Use code: SAVETEN in the basket

Double Radiators

Double panel radiators are ideal for those rooms that require extra heating. Whether that’s a small bathroom that you want to fill with a toasty warmth, or a large room that you want to heat evenly.

Double panel radiators are (usually) double the heat output of their single panel counterparts are becoming increasingly popular due to their improved thermal efficiency compared to standard single models. Also, double panel radiators will heat up your space more quickly than single panel radiators. Our panel radiators range provides a great selection of single and double radiator models for all interior design styles.

Double radiators are also great for saving space, effectively halving the wall-space used than if you were to simply buy a larger sized radiator. There’s the larger projection, so it’s all trade-offs, but having a radiator a few inches wider than normal for an extra metre length of wall space? It’s a cheap price to pay. Browse our double radiator range for efficient heating in style!

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