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Save an extra 10% off all orders over £500 - Use code: SAVETEN in the basket

Designer Towel Radiators

Designer towel radiators are a stylish solution to the daily terror of wet towels. The old problem: Nobody wants a damp towel, yet not everyone wants a regular towel rail erupting from the wall. The old solution: spreading your over a nearby radiator, blocking the heat, with a limit of one towel at a time. The better solution: Stepping out of the shower, reaching up to a vertical wall-mounted chrome sculpture (which perfectly matches the decor) and gently tugging at your choice of multiple towels, ordered neatly - all soft, warm, and fluffy - to wrap around yourself in a toasty blanket. Then, once your gently-caressed skin is dry in a fraction of the usual time, you place the towel back for next time, mildew free and fluffy atop your new heated ladder rail.

It's no choice really, especially during Winter when the cold lingers in the bones, but your choice of which heated designer towel rail in particular is plenty: horizontal or vertical, traditional or contemporary, crazy or conventional; it's entirely up to you - because there are no wrong choices.

Heated designer towel shelves are popular for laundry rooms, small electric towel rail racks for cloakrooms, tall chrome ladder-rails for bathrooms, traditional designs for period bathrooms, decorative chrome rails for organised kitchens. There's 4 pages of the best heated designer towel rails you've ever seen. So enjoy.

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